1st Hanuman Jayanthi celebrations at Shree Jalaram Sanathan Mandir and Community Centre.
Jai Hanuman Dada….

Jai Jalaram…..

Shree Jalaram Sanatan Mandir and Community Centre is run Shree Jalaram Mandal WA is an incorporated Not-for-Profit association registered in Western Australia and Hindu Temple in Gnangara Perth actively involved in promoting Hindu religion within community and provide awareness to the young generation about our rich heritage and cultural values
ABN: 373 988 569 35
Email: secretary@jalarambapa.com.au
Contact: 0434 720 570
Monday to Friday
7:00am to 10:30am – Aarti: 8:00am
4:30pm to 8:00pm – Aarti: 7:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
7:00am to 11:00am – Aarti: 8:00am
4:30pm to 8:00pm – Aarti: 7:00pm
If interested in offering Thaal to Bapa and the Dieties please contact Maharaj on 0478 603 633